Friday, May 9, 2008

And All That Could Have Been…

I know I've been going on and on about the new Nine Inch Nails album. It's not just because I really like the music. Trent Reznor has always been a big technology buff, and his recent experiments have shown he's on the ball when it comes to modern social networking. Case in point: Nine Inch Nails Ghosts Film Festival. Since the Ghosts album is released under the Creative Commons license, you can reuse it for non-commercial purposes. Reznor is running a context on YouTube where people can submit their films/videos that include music from Ghosts. There's no actual prize, but the ones that NIN likes best will get highlighted, which is likely to look very good on a resumé.

To go with that, all the tools to remix The Slip album are now available on Since it's also under the CC license, you can reuse it too.

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